How Can Orlando Speech Therapy Help Your Child?

2023-11-01T14:20:18-04:00October 22nd, 2023|

If you're concerned about your child's speech-language development, it is important to be proactive. We encourage you to contact First Words Speech Therapy, we provide a comprehensive evaluation for a variety of speech, language, and occupational needs. We are dedicated to providing personalized care to meet your child’s speech and language needs. How can speech therapy [...]

Central Florida Speech Therapy; Benefits Of Early Intervention

2023-10-01T09:46:38-04:00October 1st, 2023|

The earlier a child with a speech or language issue receives intervention from a speech therapist, the easier it will be for them to achieve important milestones. According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, ASHA,  “Many families spend months or even years hoping their child will “outgrow” a possible problem. But taking a “wait-and-see” approach often [...]

Orlando Children With Speech Sound Disorders Are Getting Help

2023-09-24T09:41:19-04:00September 24th, 2023|

For many children here in Orlando, recognizing individual sounds and putting sounds together to form words and sentences is not always easy. Phonological delays present obstacles and affect the way a child communicate with others, how they learn, socialize and make friends. What is a phonological delay? Children who have difficulty articulating certain sounds or [...]

Early Intervention With Orlando Pediatric Speech Therapy

2023-09-16T09:49:16-04:00September 16th, 2023|

Having a child with a speech delay can be filled with heartache, frustration, and joy. Along with the typical demands of a child, combined with not being able to communicate easily, it can be difficult. Not just for parents, but also the children. Failing to understand them can cause a meltdown or send them into [...]

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