About Kathryn Weissman

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So far Kathryn Weissman has created 247 blog entries.

How Speech Therapist Help Develop Verbal & Non-Verbal Skills

2021-01-17T09:05:53-05:00January 17th, 2021|

A pediatric Speech and language therapist do more than many people think. Not only do they work with children to assist them communicate effectively, they also help them develop their verbal and non-verbal language skills.  But that isn’t all, they also help with swallowing and feeding abilities, both of which take a lot of muscles [...]

Top Orlando-Kissimmee Speech Therapists; How The Benefits Can Be Life Changing

2021-01-10T10:47:24-05:00January 10th, 2021|

There is not doubt, parents and caregivers play a huge role in how a child develop their speech and language skills. Studies show children have better grammar and larger vocabularies when they were spoken and read too often, when they were toddlers.  It doesn’t take much to nurture your child’s speech and language development, the [...]

Orlando & Kissimmee Speech/Language Therapy; How Will It Help Your Child?

2021-01-02T08:38:04-05:00January 2nd, 2021|

Your toddler may not be talking up a storm, but how much of what you say, do they really understand?  It may surprise you that your toddler both listens and understands a lot more than you think.  Expert Jean Berko Gleason, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at Boston University and author of The Development of [...]

Speech/Language Milestones; How Much Is Your Child Understanding?

2020-12-24T08:47:34-05:00December 24th, 2020|

Is my child a “late talker” or is it something more serious? It is a question many parents ask. In fact, it’s one of the most overlooked issue with children here in Central Florida. Especially under our current conditions, because often times it is a teacher or caregiver who first notices a speech or language [...]

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