About Kathryn Weissman

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So far Kathryn Weissman has created 247 blog entries.

Waterford, Winter Park, Oviedo; Is My Child Reaching Their Speech/Language Milestones?

2021-05-17T06:46:20-04:00May 17th, 2021|

As parents, we have questions, from choosing the right diapers to growth milestones. Your child is growing quickly, are they staying on track for their speech and language development? What you should know about communication milestones  Think about how your child communicates - listens, speaks, non-verbal communications - and the role it plays in their [...]

Waterford & East Orlando Speech Therapy; Understanding What Your Child Says

2021-05-09T09:31:56-04:00May 9th, 2021|

We’ve all had times when we found it difficult to understand what our child was saying. The clarity of their speech is impacted by how well they can articulate sounds.   Speech Intelligibility Speech intelligibility refers to how well a child's or adult's speech can be understood. There is more that goes into speaking than [...]

Orlando Speech & Language Therapy For Children Born Premature

2021-05-01T09:36:55-04:00May 1st, 2021|

Did you know, babies born prematurely are at a higher risk of having speech and language development issues? What does the latest research reveal and what do you need to know? Baby’s born with a low birth rate or prematurely are at a greater risk of having speech and language difficulties. Research shows this persist [...]

Promoting Speech and Language Development Through Movement

2021-04-23T13:23:00-04:00April 23rd, 2021|

Movement activities are known to have extensive physical and mental benefits. Helping children stay calm, improve cognitive skills, reduce behavior problems, increase memory and attention abilities.  Did you know, communication and physical activity are interrelated? Movement encourages and foster speech and language development. The Vestibular System And Articulation Development  The vestibular system is the sensory [...]

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