Finding ways to incorporate your child’s targeted speech and language goals into their everyday lives, isn’t always easy.  It is important for your child to practice their new skills at home, but finding the time or knowing what exactly to do, is difficult.

Especially if you’re not sure what your child wants because they don’t engage, have limited language or compromised intelligibility.

Here are a few easy suggestions for creating an environment that helps your child engage in verbal skills, interaction, build associations, expand utterances, and improve speech intelligibility. 

According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, “Decrease yes/no questions that a child can answer with a head nod or shake. Instead, offer a choice. Instead of “Do you want some milk?” you can ask “Do you want milk or a book?””

Be patient, have your child requests an item or action by pointing to, using verbal approximations, signing, words, sentences, phrases, or questions, according to their age and skill level. 

Give a bowl of yogurt or ice cream without a spoon.

Pour only a small amount of juice or milk in the cup.

Hand a child a cup with nothing inside.

Hand your child a bowl without any mild or cereal.

Wait, standing at the door, but don’t open it.

Give your child a hot dog bun, without the hot dog or sandwich without the bread, or filling. 

At bath time, put your child in the shower or tub without any water. 

Put some toys just out of reach in the bath or bedroom. 

Hand your child the tube of toothpaste without a toothbrush.

Give your child paper without crayons or markers. 

Give your child clothes that are too small or big when getting dressed.

Get ready to blow bubbles, hold want up to your mouth, but don’t, just wait.

When we equip a child with the skills, knowledge, and confidence, they will grow up to be the best they can be

Children develop at different rates, but if your child isn’t meeting their speech or language milestone, it’s important to get it checked out, early intervention makes all the difference. At First Words Speech Therapy we are dedicated to meeting your child’s speech and language disorder with personalized care.