As parents, we have questions, from choosing the right diapers to growth milestones. Your child is growing quickly, are they staying on track for their speech and language development?

What you should know about communication milestones 

Think about how your child communicates – listens, speaks, non-verbal communications – and the role it plays in their everyday activities and relationship with others. For example:

Follow age appropriate multiple step instructions. Put your toys away, feed the dog, and then brush your teeth. 

Participating to age appropriate conversations

Displaying age appropriate writing and reading. A 6 year old writing their own name or an 8 year old reading to themselves. 

Answering age appropriate questions with clarity 

How do your child’s communication skills affect their interactions with family, friends and social settings?

Watch your child interact in peer related activities and those with family. These types of interactions can give insight to communication issues. 

Do they use appropriate verbal communications when interacting with peers, such as using spoken words to share opinions and ideas. 

Participating in group activities with children of similar age and attention level, not wandering off by himself.

How well do people outside of your family members, understand your child’s communication?

Listening to your child’s speech pattern on a daily basis, you may not even realize there is an issue. As they enter kindergarten, acquaintances should be able to understand their speech. If you notice people have to consistently ask your child to repeat themselves or ask you what they said, this may be an indication of speech problem. 

Do you have any communication milestone concerns when it comes to academic areas?

Communication encompasses most of what we learn, problems with these skills can lead to anxiety and below average performance in school. Different areas include:

Class participation, writing and reading on grade level.

Able to pay attention to the teacher in class, appropriate communication with peers.

Age appropriate answers to questions asked by the teacher.

Communication issues can arise for a number of reasons. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s milestones, it is important to speak with a speech therapist.