Orlando/Kissimmee Speech Therapy & Down Syndrome

2021-10-01T08:21:48-04:00October 1st, 2021|

Down syndrome Awareness Month is the perfect time to celebrate the talents and strengths of those who have Down Syndrome. While they develop in their own unique way, with their talents and strengths. Because of a slightly different DNA code, those with down syndrome can their speech and language development impacted. Very Well Family gives [...]

How To Help Your Child Develop Speech And Language Skills

2021-09-17T09:58:37-04:00September 17th, 2021|

Expressing ourselves is a fundamental skill that plays a big role in daily life. Speech and language impacts a child’s emotional and social development. How can a parent or caregiver help a child struggling with communication? When should a parent be concerned? Here are a few ways to help develop speech and language skills Read [...]

Orlando & Kissimmee; Occupational Therapy For Children

2021-04-16T06:16:56-04:00April 16th, 2021|

If your child has been referred to an Occupational Therapist, you probably have a lot of questions. What is Occupation therapy? Why was my child referred to one? How will the Occupational therapist help my child? What does occupational mean? In this case, occupational refers to all the activities we do throughout the day. For [...]

Orlando/Kissimmee Speech Therapy: Why Language Issues Are Often Overlooked

2021-03-25T07:15:28-04:00March 25th, 2021|

One of the most common childhood struggles is Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). It affects approximately 2 children in every primary classroom. In spite of its prevalence, affect how a child learns, speaks, and socializes, it is often overlooked.  A child with DLD has difficulty understanding what is being said or using spoken language, it can [...]

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