Kissimmee Speech Therapy; Helping Those With Autism & Apraxia

2021-04-01T10:25:39-04:00April 1st, 2021|

April is Autism Awareness Month, aimed at increasing the understanding, acceptance and supporting those with autism. Often times those with Autism Spectrum Disorder face challenges with social and communication skills. Finding it difficult to pick up on social cues and holding a conversation.  It is common for children with Autism to also have apraxia The [...]

How To Know If Your Child Is A Late Talker Or Has A Speech Delay?

2021-02-15T08:48:18-05:00February 15th, 2021|

It’s natural to worry about our children, but how do you know if your child is a late talker or has a language delay? It could be baby not using gestures or babbling, a toddler not talking or is difficult to understand, a preschooler not able to follow simple instructions or identify colors and descriptive [...]

How Speech Therapist Help Develop Verbal & Non-Verbal Skills

2021-01-17T09:05:53-05:00January 17th, 2021|

A pediatric Speech and language therapist do more than many people think. Not only do they work with children to assist them communicate effectively, they also help them develop their verbal and non-verbal language skills.  But that isn’t all, they also help with swallowing and feeding abilities, both of which take a lot of muscles [...]

Common Speech And Language Disorders In Central Florida

2020-11-23T08:05:56-05:00November 23rd, 2020|

Speech and language disorders are not uncommon. In fact, over 7 million Americans have a speech problem. These conditions have a broad range, from vocal cord damage to selective mutism.  Some speech disorders are more common than others. Each with their own cause and symptoms.  A few of the most common speech disorders include:  Apraxia [...]

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