Orlando Speech Therapy; Helping Children With Developmental Delays

2022-07-19T11:43:37-04:00July 17th, 2022|

The pandemic has taken a toll on all of us, but not like children. According to Healthy Children.Org, “A key part of learning to communicate for a child is watching the faces, mouths, and expressions of the people closest to them. Babies and young children study faces intently, so the concern about solid masks covering [...]

Speech Delay In Orlando Children Since The Pandemic

2022-07-09T12:03:48-04:00July 9th, 2022|

New research on speech and language development has shown wearing masks over the last couple of years appears to have an adverse effect on our children’s development speech. Causing serious delays in speech and language. Clemson Edu explains:  Typically, about 1 in 6 children experience a developmental delay. But children born during the pandemic, a [...]

Overcome Communication Difficulties With An Orlando Speech Therapist

2022-07-01T10:21:39-04:00July 1st, 2022|

Speech and language pathologists are specialists at helping children with speech and communication issues. They are trained and equipped to assist with a variety of articulation delays. This can range from minor conditions like lisps and stuttering to more serious issues caused by hearing impairment, motor speech disorders, developmental delays, Down syndrome, autism, and more. [...]

Orlando Speech Therapy; Signs of a Speech or Language Delay

2022-05-08T10:00:25-04:00May 8th, 2022|

The development of a child is not black and white. There are quite a few characteristics and factors that make us who we are. As with other milestones and skills, the age a child starts talking can vary. These differences may not be a clear indication there is something going on. For instance, Albert Einstein, [...]

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