Promoting Speech and Language Development Through Movement

2021-04-23T13:23:00-04:00April 23rd, 2021|

Movement activities are known to have extensive physical and mental benefits. Helping children stay calm, improve cognitive skills, reduce behavior problems, increase memory and attention abilities.  Did you know, communication and physical activity are interrelated? Movement encourages and foster speech and language development. The Vestibular System And Articulation Development  The vestibular system is the sensory [...]

Identifying Speech/Language Delays In Children

2021-03-09T06:54:28-05:00March 9th, 2021|

In last week’s blog we talked about how a parent or caregiver can know if a toddler has a speech or language delay. While the timetable for each child is different, early intervention can make all the difference.  A three year old child who can’t say many words, but can nonverbally comprehend and communicate, may [...]

How Do I Know If My Toddler Has A Speech or Language Delay?

2021-03-01T06:15:01-05:00March 1st, 2021|

Developmental milestones are general guidelines to help gauge the progress of your child. It is important to remember children develop at different rates, there are may causes of a speech delay, and they can be effectively treated.  For instance, the average 2 year old can say about 50 words and speak sentences using two and [...]

How Speech Therapist Help Develop Verbal & Non-Verbal Skills

2021-01-17T09:05:53-05:00January 17th, 2021|

A pediatric Speech and language therapist do more than many people think. Not only do they work with children to assist them communicate effectively, they also help them develop their verbal and non-verbal language skills.  But that isn’t all, they also help with swallowing and feeding abilities, both of which take a lot of muscles [...]

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