Orlando Speech Sound & Articulation Disorder Therapy

2023-12-09T09:19:18-05:00December 9th, 2023|

If a child is difficult to understand or has trouble saying sounds clearly, they may have a speech sound disorder. Most children should be able to say nearly all the speech sounds properly by 4 years old. Some sounds may take longer to learn such as, th, v, or z. Speech sound disorder is also [...]

How Can Orlando Speech Therapy Help Your Child?

2023-11-01T14:20:18-04:00October 22nd, 2023|

If you're concerned about your child's speech-language development, it is important to be proactive. We encourage you to contact First Words Speech Therapy, we provide a comprehensive evaluation for a variety of speech, language, and occupational needs. We are dedicated to providing personalized care to meet your child’s speech and language needs. How can speech therapy [...]

How Speech Therapy Is Helping Orlando Families

2023-10-08T10:03:39-04:00October 8th, 2023|

Speech therapy not only helps children, it also benefits the family. Speech therapy helps children achieve important milestones and learn life skills for a successful academic and social growth. It also supports families as they take an active role in their child’s growth and development. Speech therapy helps improves a child communication, emotional, and social [...]

Orlando Speech and Language Concerns; Your Questions Answered

2023-08-16T19:45:05-04:00August 16th, 2023|

Parenting here in Central Florida isn’t always easy. Our lives are very busy and the convenience of looking something up online seems to be the go-to diagnostic, instead of the traditional trip to the doctor’s office. Unfortunately, trying to figure out if your child has a speech or language challenge is not always easy. Many [...]

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