Effective Orlando Pediatric Speech Therapy Strategies

2022-10-01T16:44:57-04:00October 1st, 2022|

Reading to your child not only helps with speech and language problems, it carves out a love for absorbing knowledge and reading. The earlier you introduce reading to your child the better. It can help overcome speech challenges and speech delays. Effective strategies to ensure reading is fun for your child this Halloween season: Colorful [...]

Orlando Pediatric Speech Therapy; Language Development

2022-08-01T07:49:42-04:00August 1st, 2022|

It is important for parents and caregivers to support their child in language development. With school starting soon, it is important to remember the huge impact individualized speech therapy has on a child. It is a very smart investment in your child’s future. Choices With private speech therapy sessions, you can ensure the therapist is [...]

Orlando Childhood Apraxia; Is Your Child Struggling To Speak?

2022-06-01T11:13:01-04:00June 1st, 2022|

Is your child struggling to speak? A speech disorder where children have issues moving muscles related to speaking correctly is called childhood apraxia. The issue itself is within the brain, sending signals that are not correct to the body parts related to speech. Speech therapy can help a child with apraxia by retaining their brain [...]

Orlando’s Top Pediatric Speech Therapy; Verbal Development

2022-05-24T10:13:09-04:00May 24th, 2022|

The first time your child says “mama” or “dada”, is thrilling for a parent. The adorable baby talk is soon to follow. But what if your 1 year old isn’t saying any words? What if your 5 year old is still mispronouncing basic words or is difficult for others to understand? At what age to [...]

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