How Can Orlando Speech Therapy Help Your Child?

2023-11-01T14:20:18-04:00October 22nd, 2023|

If you're concerned about your child's speech-language development, it is important to be proactive. We encourage you to contact First Words Speech Therapy, we provide a comprehensive evaluation for a variety of speech, language, and occupational needs. We are dedicated to providing personalized care to meet your child’s speech and language needs. How can speech therapy [...]

How Speech Therapy Is Helping Orlando Families

2023-10-08T10:03:39-04:00October 8th, 2023|

Speech therapy not only helps children, it also benefits the family. Speech therapy helps children achieve important milestones and learn life skills for a successful academic and social growth. It also supports families as they take an active role in their child’s growth and development. Speech therapy helps improves a child communication, emotional, and social [...]

Early Intervention With Orlando Pediatric Speech Therapy

2023-09-16T09:49:16-04:00September 16th, 2023|

Having a child with a speech delay can be filled with heartache, frustration, and joy. Along with the typical demands of a child, combined with not being able to communicate easily, it can be difficult. Not just for parents, but also the children. Failing to understand them can cause a meltdown or send them into [...]

How Orlando Speech & Language Therapy Can Help Your Child

2023-09-09T11:57:51-04:00September 9th, 2023|

Children develop speech and language skills at different rates, comparing them to other children is not necessarily an effective way to measure their development. But equally important, if you suspect your child has a speech or language disorder, it is important to take action. “The earlier a child's speech and language problems are identified and treated, [...]

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