Children’s Speech And Language Development; Early Treatment In Orlando

2022-08-09T09:54:26-04:00August 9th, 2022|

A recent national poll of speech language pathologists and audiologist, done by the American Speech Language Hearing Association, or ASHA, indicates most parents are not aware of the early signs for children’s communication disorders. They are also not aware of the numerous benefits of early treatment. Often times the ‘wait and see’ approach, hoping your [...]

Helping Orlando’s Children With Speech & Communication

2022-07-23T17:57:13-04:00July 23rd, 2022|

How do I know if my child has a speech or language delay? How can I help them? As one of Orlando’s top Pediatric speech pathologist  First Words Speech Therapy receives many questions like this all the time. This is a very important topic and we comment parents and caregivers for taking the time to [...]

Orlando Speech Therapy Helping Autistic Children

2022-04-18T14:04:52-04:00April 18th, 2022|

National Autism Awareness Month is an opportunity to raise awareness and speech and communication disorders. When it comes to autism, improved communication is just one of the benefits speech therapy provides.  It also helps with a number of other issues. For instance, integrating into the community, building relationships, and everyday interacting with others. Autistic children can [...]

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