Empower Your Child With Orlando Speech Therapy

2024-03-17T11:25:46-04:00March 17th, 2024|

What kind of impact can a speech therapist make on my child? The role of a speech therapist is crucial, it goes well beyond improving a child’s communication skills. They enhance the overall quality of their life, give them confidence, and even prevent other issues from happening. Here are just a few ways a speech [...]

Orlando Therapy For Childhood Apraxia Of Speech

2023-11-25T10:08:57-05:00November 25th, 2023|

It isn’t always easy for a child to get the message from their brain to match up to the sounds and words coming out of their mouth. It is these messages that tell the muscles when and how to move to make the correct sound. Apraxia of speech is when these messages are not getting [...]

Parents Guide To Your Child’s Speech Language Therapy

2023-11-18T09:57:33-05:00November 18th, 2023|

If your child needs speech or language therapy, it can be overwhelming. What should you expect, what questions should you ask, how involved as a parent you should be, and how long will it take? Ask Questions  Starting speech therapy can be intimidating for a child. From the initial evaluation through the process of therapy, [...]

Is My Child A “Late Talker” Or Is It Something Else?

2023-11-01T14:16:56-04:00November 1st, 2023|

It is a question many parent’s ask, is my child a “late talker” or is it something more serious? “You know your child. You understand what they mean when they point to the door. You listen to them talk and watch them play. You remember what your older children did and said at the same [...]

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