When Is It Time To See An Orlando Speech Therapist?

2022-10-16T11:33:37-04:00October 16th, 2022|

How important are speech, communication and language in a child’s everyday life? It is a growing question among parents and caregivers. Speech is an essential tool for both learning and interacting with others. It isn’t always easy to decipher emotional signs correlated with language or speech development. The most important developmental task is communication. It [...]

Children’s Speech And Language Development; Early Treatment In Orlando

2022-08-09T09:54:26-04:00August 9th, 2022|

A recent national poll of speech language pathologists and audiologist, done by the American Speech Language Hearing Association, or ASHA, indicates most parents are not aware of the early signs for children’s communication disorders. They are also not aware of the numerous benefits of early treatment. Often times the ‘wait and see’ approach, hoping your [...]

Orlando Speech Therapy; Helping Children With Developmental Delays

2022-07-19T11:43:37-04:00July 17th, 2022|

The pandemic has taken a toll on all of us, but not like children. According to Healthy Children.Org, “A key part of learning to communicate for a child is watching the faces, mouths, and expressions of the people closest to them. Babies and young children study faces intently, so the concern about solid masks covering [...]

Speech Delay In Orlando Children Since The Pandemic

2022-07-09T12:03:48-04:00July 9th, 2022|

New research on speech and language development has shown wearing masks over the last couple of years appears to have an adverse effect on our children’s development speech. Causing serious delays in speech and language. Clemson Edu explains:  Typically, about 1 in 6 children experience a developmental delay. But children born during the pandemic, a [...]

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