Early research has indicated Teletherapy has been especially beneficial for helping children with their speech and language development, it has even been shown to help ease the strain during these difficult times. 

“Speech and language communication skills are a strong indicator of a child’s future success in academics, personal relationships and employment. The National Institutes of Health estimates 8% of kids 3 to 17 have a voice, speech or language disorder that requires therapy,” according to an article in Florida Weekly. 

It is vital to reach as many children possible with early intervention, Web based teletherapy allows for this, particularly during these challenging times. It is especially important for these children not to fall behind or slip through the cracks.

“Sometimes referred to as online therapy, virtual therapy or telehealth, the goal is to meet patients’ needs by meeting them where they are. Telehealth has been practiced for several years by doctors, nurses and therapists in numerous fields. It’s just starting to gain traction in the world of pediatric speech therapy,” the article goes on to say. 

Teletherapy has become a game changer for many parents and caregivers.

Consistency and repetition are key for speech and language development. Strengthening the neural connections in the area in the brain responsible for language development. Creating a stronger foundation for learning and speech development.

“It’s a more controlled, one-to-one session, as opposed to in the clinic, where there are sometimes distractions,” said Crystal Warford of Fort Myers. Her 8-year-old son Elliot has autism. He’s been receiving speech teletherapy for several months in addition to in-person sessions.

“He loves that his speech therapist incorporates games, and he feels more in control when he gets to choose which games to play. And for us, it’s really convenient to be able to cook dinner while he’s in therapy.”

Don’t let your child fall behind

At First Words Speech Therapy, we understand how hard this situation can be for everyone, the stress of a new routine, and we are here to help you

Contact First Words Therapy To Schedule An Appointment And for Successful Strategies During Your Time At Home With Your Child