When it comes to pediatric speech and language development, it is never too soon start building a good foundation. Some general milestones include, by 4 months old they are likely to recognize a parent, make cooing sounds, smile when spoken to and cry differently for different needs. By 7 months, a baby is making several different sounds and become more observant of toys that make sound and music. By their first birthday, some babies say a few basic words recognize simple directions and simple words.
How can parents and caregivers encourage speech and language development?
Read to your child
You may have heard it before, but reading is very important, even for young babies. Read as often as possible. This builds a foundation for a love of books, encourages the use of early language and its understanding.
Talk with your child
Treat your baby’s cooing and sounds as conversation. Look at them as they make this noise and respond by speaking words. Typically, they will keep going with the conversation with their gurgles and coos. Which will become actual, intelligible words.
Talk about sounds animals make
Introducing the sounds animals make and repeating them will reinforce animals and the sound they make. What does a cat say? He says, meow, meow. Can you say, meow, like a cat? Have a pictures of the different animals to reinforce the activity
Talk them through their routines
As you go through the routine of the day, talk about them with your baby, getting dressed, bath time, changing diapers. Knowing what to expect, can be comforting for children. It also helps grow their vocabulary. For instance, we are going to take a bath, is the water warm? I’m going to wash you hair, to you see the soap bubbles?
Count the things you see
It could be the number of cereal pieces on the tray, cars going by, or how many steps they take to get to their room. Counting out loud reinforces speech development
Does my child need speech / language therapy?
It’s a question most parents ask at one time or another. In fact, about 10 of school age children are living with some type of communication challenge.
It isn’t always easy to navigate the trek from the moment of concern to your child getting the appropriate help they need. From the first step to the journey of success, First Words Speech Therapy is here for you. We can guide you through the process, share available resources, from initial screening to developing a comprehensive plan.
Our clinic is conveniently located at 1239 Mount Vernon St. Orlando, Fl. 32803. Contact us for a free phone consultation at 407-810-2773