A  study about a child’s speech and language development, revealed some light on long term academic difficulties. The authors tracked preschool children for two decades, the study was published by the American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.

Two main skills were covered in the study, overall language skills, and the phonological awareness skills, which refers to the child’s understanding of the sound system and has been linked to reading difficulty.

What were the results?

The study found what many previous studies confirmed, the important connection between speech and language skills and the success later in school. In short, a child’s academic life and phonological awareness skills, are linked to early speech and language development. More than reading and writing skills, it is also a big social component.

“We know parents want the best for their children. However, they may hear messages that encourage a ‘wait and see’ approach by suggesting a child may grow out of a communication issue. Unfortunately, this often is not the case. Delaying treatment means children may miss a critical developmental window where they acquire a majority of their foundational speech and language skills, which occurs between birth and 3 years of age, ” said Elise Davis-McFarland, PhD, CCC-SLP, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 2018 President.

“Hearing and listening to language is the primary way young children learn. The skills achieved during this time lay the groundwork for later success with reading and writing, academics, social interactions, and career options and advancement—making early intervention for any speech/language or hearing problem, preferably well before age 3, so important.”

What should you do?

There are many studies and clinical experience that attest to the benefits of early intervention. And the importance of parents and caregivers to keep vigilant on your child’s speech and language development.

It is important to create an environment rich in literacy and language, as well as reading to your child. These proven strategies can significantly increase the core skills; phonological awareness and language.

If you are concerned about your child’s speech and language development, it is crucial to schedule a simple screening with a speech therapist. This screening provides a lot of information, where speech therapy is necessary and devise a plan.

This plan can include specific materials and exercises, as well as support for the success of your child’s development. Studies show, preschool is a very important time in a child’s academic life

If you suspect your child may have a speech or language disorder, take the first step. Contact First Words Speech Therapy, we provide a comprehensive evaluation for a variety of speech, language, and occupational needs. We are dedicated to providing personalized care to meet your child’s speech and language needs.