Speech and Language TherapyOur staff at First Words Speech Therapy, LLC  is excited to announce that our new website re-design is available for clients and visitors. This is our official blog page to post the latest trending news regarding Speech Therapy. Please follow us to learn more about our services available in Central Florida, our providers and our expertise. You will find that our new site is responsive and mobile-friendly for users.  We look forward to answering any question you may have. Consultations with a therapist are available by appointment. We provide therapy solutions for both children and adult patients.

Speech therapyNew app available for aphasia, a speech disorder:

Today, along with medicine, smart technology is giving us new coping tools to assist speech therapy patients. A smart phone application has been developed to help with a speech disorder called Aphasia. This is a language impairment which affects the comprehension of speech and ability to read and write. These patients may have suffered from neurological damage, a stroke, tumor or brain injury (most often seen in older patients).

The app can be used to assist the patient in matching pictures and associated words. Learn more about this great new technology from Dr. Stephen Hughes, the app builder.

Thanks for stopping by and we wish all of you a happy Easter holiday.  Hurry back for more next time.

Staff Writer