Are you concerned your child doesn’t seem to understand what you are saying or seem not to be listening? Or maybe your child hasn’t started talking yet. Don’t worry, you are not alone. According to recent studies, 1 in 4 U.S. parents who have children ages 0 to 8, are concerned with their child’s ability to communicate.

While children develop at different rates, if you suspect your child has a speech or language disorder it is important to take action. Hoping they will outgrow the problem can negatively affect other aspects of your child’s life. Such as their ability to learn, read, write, and even socialize.

To help determine if your child has a language or speech disorder, The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) has a list of language, speech, and hearing problems.

Language Disorders

Birth – 3 months: Not smiling or playing with others 4 -7 months: Not babbling

7 – 12 months: Making only a few sounds. Not using gestures, like waving or pointing.

7 months – 2 years: Not understanding what others say. 12 – 18 months: Saying only a few words.

1 1/2 – 2 years: Not putting two words together.

2 years: Saying fewer than 50 words.

2 – 3 years: Having trouble playing and talking with other children. 2 1/2 – 3 years: Having problems with early reading and writing.

Speech Sound Disorders

1 -2 years: Not saying p, b, m, h, and w the right way in words most of the time.

2 -3 years: Not saying k, g, f, t, d, and n the right way in words most of the time. Being hard to understand, even to people who know the child well.

Hearing Loss

Birth – 1 year: Not paying attention to sounds.

7 Months – 1 year: Not responding when you call her name.

1 – 2 years: Not following simple directions.

Birth – 3 years: Having speech and language delays.

Early intervention can help children with speech and language disorders meet higher social and academic potential.

ASHA says: “The earlier a child’s speech and language problems are identified and treated, the less likely it is that problems will persist or get worse. Early speech and language intervention can help children be more successful with reading, writing, schoolwork, and interpersonal relationships.”

If you have any questions or concerns about your child, we encourage you to contact Orlando’s First Words Therapy. We take a holistic approach to speech-language-therapy to help your child communicate more effectively.

Our therapists have extensive clinical experience and training, ensuring your child receives the highest level of care.