Summer is finally here in Central Florida, for many parents this means a shift in the daily routine and a more relaxed schedule. Some even put a pause speech therapy or even stop during the summer months.

There are several reasons to keep up with speech and language therapy during the summer months.

Prevent backsliding or stalling the progress your child has made

It typically takes time for your child to build trust and feel comfortable with their speech therapist and the routine. Through this strong relationship, progress is made towards their communication goals.

Not only does any progress your child has made come to a halt when you take a break, but many children backslide from the advancement they have achieved. Speech therapist take information at each therapy session to measure the progress a child has made towards their goals.

Taking a break during the summer months, it is common for a child to regress from the progress they have made. You don’t want all their hard work to be in vain

Make the most of your speech therapy sessions 

Speech and language therapy is an investment into your child. When they continue regular sessions, it often leads to faster progress. Which will make the most of your investment.

For instance, if your child is meeting their their speech goals with 75% accuracy, then you take a break over the summer months. Children often regress a bit, when they return, they may be meeting their therapy goal with 50% accuracy. It may take many weeks to get your child up to their previous accuracy level.

Fitting speech therapy into your summer plans

Speech and language therapy can be very flexible, it can easily be planned around all your summer activities. It will be definitely worth it!

Check back with us next week for more information on summer speech therapy for your child, until then contact First Words Speech Therapy for more information.