Did you know, babies born prematurely are at a higher risk of having speech and language development issues? What does the latest research reveal and what do you need to know?

Baby’s born with a low birth rate or prematurely are at a greater risk of having speech and language difficulties. Research shows this persist past the toddler stages and into school age years. The areas affected include:

Understanding of words, sentences, and questions 

Expressing themselves (using words and language to express opinions, tell stories)

Spelling and reading

Difficulty producing certain sounds

Grammar and sentence structure 

ASHA (American Speech Language Hearing Association) Wire published a research article asking the question, “Do Infants Born Very Premature and Who Have Very Low Birth Weight Catch Up With Their Full Term Peers in Their Language Abilities by Early School Age?”


This study examined the extent to which children born preterm (< 37 weeks) and/or who have low birth weight (< 2,500 g) catch up with their full term peers in terms of their language abilities at early school age (≥ 5 to < 9 years).


Children born very premature and who have very low birth weight perform worse than their peers on their total language, receptive language, expressive language, phonological awareness, and grammar abilities by early school age

A speech and language therapist can offer the best support to ensure your child has an optimal learning environment. Working one on one with children, as well as helping parents. Early intervention is critical as for developing brains form new neural pathways and matures. This is particularly important before age three. At this time speech therapy would target language, cognitive, speech, and social communication capacity.

Early intervention for a child means an improved ability to interact and communicate with others, advance their social skills, and enhance their emotional development.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child, we encourage you to contact Orlando’s First Words Therapy. We take a holistic approach to speech-language-therapy to help your child communicate more effectively.