Maybe your toddler isn’t speaking or verbalizing much. Instead of saying simple words, he gestures. When he plays with other children, instead of using words, he makes sounds.

If you are worried your child may have a language or speech problem, it is important to have a speech therapist evaluate your child for a delay in speech – language. Our experienced therapist at First Words Speech Therapy, located at 1239 Mount Vernon St. Orlando, Fl. 32803,  understands your concerns and work with children of all ages to improve their clarity of speech and fluency.

While every child develops at their own rate, they should be meeting specific speech and language milestones. Early intervention is always best for the child.

Toddler speech milestones

By 18 months old a child should be saying three or more words besides “dada” or mama”.

The parents of a toddlers 18 months to 2 years old, should be able to understand what they are saying. Along with anyone who spends a notable time with your child. If you or those close to your toddler have a difficult time understanding them at this stage, a speech therapist can help.

By 2 years old, a child should be able to combine 2 words together by age 2. Typically, this is demonstrated as the toddler expresses affection and when they want something. For instance, “love kitty”, “my toy’, and “pick up”. These combinations are the initial stages of forming sentences. If your child hasn’t mastered this by age 2, they may need a speech pathologist.

Children ages 3 and 4 should be able to say hard and soft sounds that can be understood. If your child is struggling with pronouncing sounds at age 4, a speech therapist can help.

Speech and Language Evaluation

Early intervention is key. Untreated  speech and language delays, from ages 2 to 5, can lead to difficulties in school, paying attention, reading, writing, and even making friends. During an evaluation at First Words Speech Therapy, we assess:

Whether your child understand receptive language, what you say.

Expressive language, the words your child can verbalize.

Clarity of speech, how well your child can be understood.

Speech impairment by an oral motor issue

First Words Speech Therapy offers personalized care to meet your child’s speech and language needs. As a mobile service provider, we are able to render therapy at the child’s home, daycare, charter/private school, or in the community.