First Words Speech Therapy is proud to announce the opening of our new office here in Orlando. At 1239 Mount Vernon St. Conveniently located near State Road 50 (Colonial Dr) and Orlando Ave. We are devoted to providing the best possible care for children with speech, language, cognitive or swallowing disorders. 

Language is the process by which we communicate thoughts, feelings, and emotions, whether verbal or written. It includes both expressive and receptive skills. Our team at First words Speech Therapy provide the highest quality of care for each child, from birth to 21 years old, to enable them to reach their fullest potential.

We have developed a holistic approach to the therapy process wherein your child’s care can be coordinated with other therapy disciplines (Occupational, Physical, Behavioral, etc.) to attain optimal results in all necessary developmental areas. We find this unique approach and our expertise is highly effective. 

The child’s family is included in the evaluation and intervention process as an integral part of designing a program that will best meet your child’s basic, medical, emotional, and academic needs as they pertain to speech and language.

In this manner, parental involvement is a key component in assisting with the therapy process and is achieved through parent education and carryover in the home.

If you are concerned your child is not meeting their speech or language milestones, contact First Words Speech Therapy. 

We start with an evaluation, this is the initial assessment that takes place prior to starting any therapy plan. Evaluations typically consist of formal testing and informal play-based assessments.

The formal testing will yield numeric results; while the informal play-based assessments allow the clinician to obtain pertinent clinical observations based on your child’s behaviors and skills as demonstrated during play.

The purpose of the evaluation is to determine your child’s strength and weaknesses for a given skill in order to generate an individualized plan of care.