When it comes to speech therapy here in Central Florida, it can be overwhelming. Navigating through the process, from not knowing what to expect to how long will your child need it, partnering with First Words Speech Therapy will help guide you and your child through the journey.

Guided journey for your child’s speech therapy 

Ask Questions 

Starting with the initial evaluation, and in every step of your child’s speech therapy. Don’t be cautious to ask questions. When it comes to therapy goals, ask about the sequencing of the goals and rational behind them.

How will these goals be targeted, will it be several at one time or individually? Which goals are, your child naturally progressing in? What activities motivate your child? Speech therapist appreciate parents and caregivers active involvement

Offer Suggestions 

You know your child best, so don’t hesitate to offer suggestions. It will help to know what your child enjoys and they are interested in. This can include activities and games that motivate your child.

Therapy should focus on connecting with your child, understanding their interest, and having fun. Knowing what your child likes will play a tremendous role in their growth.

It Takes A Village

Speech therapist equips parents and caregivers with the knowledge and tools to help your child. Creating a team that can change your child’s life, by giving them the ability to learn, communicate, and socialize.

“We know parents want the best for their children. However, they may hear messages that encourage a ‘wait and see’ approach by suggesting a child may grow out of a communication issue. Unfortunately, this often is not the case. Delaying treatment means children may miss a critical developmental window where they acquire a majority of their foundational speech and language skills, which occurs between birth and 3 years of age, ” said Elise Davis-McFarland, PhD, CCC-SLP, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 2018 President.

Do You Suspect Your Child Has A Speech Delay?

If you are concerned your child is not meeting developmental milestones, it is important to seek help. Early intervention is key, when speech – language impairments are identified early, treatment has positive results. If you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to contact First Words Therapy. We take a holistic approach to speech-language-therapy to help your child communicate more effectively.