Are you worried your child may have a speech or language issue? Do they have a speech disorder or impediment? Are you seeing signs that are concerning? Did your child’s teacher mention they may not be reaching their communication milestones? Are these milestones that important?

As your child’s brain is maturing and developing, communication milestones are crucial stages. If a child does not meet a milestone in a timely manner, they can have a difficult time learning proper communication as they get older.

First Words Speech Therapy suggests asking yourself some questions to determine if your child is achieving age appropriate milestones.

How does my child’s communication skills affect day to day life at home?

Developmental milestones play a huge role in both relationships and activities your child does on a daily basis, non-verbal communication, listening, and speaking. One such example is, does your child follow simple age appropriate instructions, get a book or brush your teeth? Does your child interact with friends and siblings in conversation? Are they actively participating and engaged in the conversation?

How does my child’s communication skills affect their playtime?

Pay attention to how your child interacts with other children and participate in activities with peers. These interactions can be indications of their communication development. Do they have appropriate verbal communication when interacting with friends, do they express their thoughts, opinions, or ask questions? Do they have an appropriate attention level when participating in peer related activities? Or do they wander off by themselves.

Early intervention can make all the difference. In fact, many children who were treated early have gone on to develop normal communication and language skills. It is not uncommon for speech issues go hand in hand with behavioral issues. This is the result of frustration they experience.

At First Words Therapy, we understand how difficult it can be and provide children and their families with strategies on how to handle these issues.