As a parent here in Central Florida, you know your child best. You should have to worry about if your child has a speech – language problem or a late bloomer. You don’t want to guess about something so important. It is best to have them seen by a speech-language therapist. You can talk over any concerns you have and they will test your child to see how well they speak, understand language, and use gestures.

The American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA), offers some tips to help families support their child’s speech and language development:

Talk about what you’re doing, what your child is doing, and what your child sees. Use longer sentences as your child grows older.

Communicate with your child in the languages that you are most comfortable using.

Use a lot of different words with your child. Don’t worry about using big words. Children enjoy new and unusual words.

Listen and respond to your child.

Help your child listen. Give directions for your child to follow.

Have your child’s hearing tested if you find yourself repeating a lot or using a loud voice.

Tell stories to your child a lot. Read to your child as much as you can.

Ask questions and talk about what happened in the story. Read to your child in the languages they are learning.

Don’t interrupt your child to correct their speech sounds. It’s okay if your child makes some mistakes with sounds. Say the sounds correctly when you talk.

Ask questions that need more than a yes or no answer. Encourage your child to ask you questions.

Set limits for screen time. Use that time for talking, reading, and playing together.

Don’t wait to get help if you’re concerned. You know your child best. Getting help early can stop later problems with behavior, learning, reading, and social relationships

Don’t Delay

If you have any concerns about your child’s ability to speak, hear, or understand, don’t delay. Treated early enough, some disorders can be prevented or even reversed.

If you suspect your child may have a speech or language issue, take the first step. Contact First Words Speech Therapy, we provide a comprehensive evaluation for a variety of speech, language, and occupational needs. We are dedicated to providing personalized care to meet your child’s speech and language needs.