The development of speech and language skills are important for the success of academic and social communication. Before a child can decode words on a page in a book, they first must develop an understanding of how written language is used through their environment.

Labels, signs, and even logos, teach our children how to read, without us even knowing. Watching others interact is another way preschoolers learn concepts of early literacy.

Supporting early literacy is important for children to develop speech and language skills.

Phonological awareness, is the understanding that words are formed by manipulating sounds, it is a very important skill for language development. Talking about the different sounds of speech during reading activities is a great way to support a child’s phonological awareness.

Print awareness is another way to support reading skills. Print awareness can start by holding a book upright and understanding the word’s tell as story. Before a child can read, encourage them to follow your finger as you read the words from left to right.

The understanding that each letter or group of letters represents sounds. Then groups of letters become words, is alphabet awareness. Reading together is a great way to support this skill. While there are quite a few children book about the alphabet, you can identify and talk about the sounds individual letters make anywhere.

Oral language skills are necessary for reading comprehension and language development. You are modeling language skills every time you have a conversation with your child. Teaching vocabulary is needed for early reading and oral language skills.

Reading skills are valuable to have throughout a child’s life. It encourages the development of a child’s creativity, socially, and academically.

Reading books exposes children to language uses and new words. They teach children about individual points of view and emotions. The appreciation of others feelings and thoughts will help children build relationships and communicate with their peers.

When speech – language issues are identified early, treatment has positive results. If you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to contact First Words Therapy. We take a holistic approach to speech-language-therapy to help your child communicate more effectively.