About Kathryn Weissman

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So far Kathryn Weissman has created 247 blog entries.

How To Know If Your Child Is A Late Talker Or Has A Speech Delay?

2021-02-15T08:48:18-05:00February 15th, 2021|

It’s natural to worry about our children, but how do you know if your child is a late talker or has a language delay? It could be baby not using gestures or babbling, a toddler not talking or is difficult to understand, a preschooler not able to follow simple instructions or identify colors and descriptive [...]

Does Your Child Need Speech-Language Therapy? Do You Know The Signs?

2021-02-08T08:35:05-05:00February 8th, 2021|

Statistics show, 1 in 12 children between the age of 3 and 17, have some type of speech or language disorder. At some time, most parents wonder if their child is keeping up with their classmates or friends. While children develop at their own pace, how do you know when it is time to seek [...]

Speech & Language Therapy In The Digital Age; Healthy Balance For Screen Time

2021-02-01T06:09:35-05:00February 1st, 2021|

More than ever before, children across Central Florida are using technology at a younger age. Infants and toddlers have unprecedented access to smartphones tablets, and even gaming consoles. The Coronavirus has compounded the situation with digital learning and at home learning. How is this affecting their speech, language, social, and communication skills? For instance, my [...]

Easy Ways To Help Your Preschooler Learn Speech And Language Skills

2021-01-25T04:06:22-05:00January 25th, 2021|

Teaching speech and language skill to your child isn't always easy in our fast pace and multi-media world. Children are learning all day, every day. It is important to take the time to talk, read, and play games with them. These are the moments they are learning the most. Pretend play Playing pretend, building block [...]

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