About Kathryn Weissman

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So far Kathryn Weissman has created 244 blog entries.

Improve Your Child’s Speech & Language Skills

2024-10-23T08:27:41-04:00October 23rd, 2024|

A pediatric speech and language therapist work with children to assist them communicate effectively, they also help them develop their verbal and non-verbal language skills. They also help with swallowing and feeding abilities, both of which take a lot of muscles to accomplish. Improving communication skills for children of all ages - from newborns to [...]

New Checklists For Children’s Speech Developmental Milestones

2024-10-19T10:03:31-04:00October 17th, 2024|

The CDC and American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHS) have announced new checklists when it comes to children’s developmental milestones. Providing parents and caregivers an updated roadmap of what to anticipate and look for the it comes their child’s early years. It can also indicate a sign of a potential developmental disorder or delay. These new checklists [...]

Orlando Speech Therapy; Wait & See Approach vs Early Intervention

2024-10-09T09:44:13-04:00October 9th, 2024|

Have you ever wondered if your child may have delayed speech skills? Do they have a difficult time answering questions? Or have a hard time pronouncing certain speech sounds? Are they a late talker or are they missing important milestones? Sure, there is the ‘wait and see’ approach, hoping your child will outgrow their speech [...]

Orlando Speech & Language Pediatric Speech Therapy

2024-10-01T08:27:30-04:00October 1st, 2024|

Pediatric speech therapy is designed to assist children with their communication, feeding related disorders and speech. This can include difficulties with understanding language, speaking, swallowing, and using words correctly. Speech language pathologists, also known as pediatric speech therapists, work with children to diagnosis, asses, and treat speech and communication disorders, as well as swallowing and [...]

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