About Kathryn Weissman

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So far Kathryn Weissman has created 246 blog entries.

Does Your Child Have A Speech or Language Problem? Where Do You Start?

2021-08-09T09:30:01-04:00August 9th, 2021|

When your child has a speech or language issue, it can be overwhelming. Where do you start and what should you expect from therapy?  Make sure your child’s speech and language therapist has the proper credentials. This includes their Florida state license and is nationally certified through the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA). At First [...]

How Long Will My Child Need Speech/Language Therapy?

2021-08-01T20:27:14-04:00August 1st, 2021|

Many parents and caregivers wonder how long their child will need speech therapy? Or how long should they expect therapy to take? When will they see results? These are very popular questions, but the answers depend on quite a few factors.  The nature of the child’s speech, language or communication challenge.  The severity of the [...]

When Is It Time For Your Child To See A Speech/Language Therapist?

2021-07-25T07:54:44-04:00July 25th, 2021|

Children grow up fast, especially in the first couple of years. Within the first 18 months of life they learn how to crawl, say their first words, walk, and even socialize. A child typically learns these milestones within an expected age range. For example, most babies accomplish crawling between 6 and 10 months and walk [...]

Orlando Speech Therapy; How Early Detection Pays Off

2021-07-17T08:24:41-04:00July 17th, 2021|

The core of who we are, is communication. It is vital for our interaction with other, our ability to function on a daily basis, and learn. Just imagine how you would feel if people had difficulty understanding you, or you couldn't understand others. Life would be hard. Which is why children with communication disorders have [...]

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