About Kathryn Weissman

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So far Kathryn Weissman has created 246 blog entries.

Orlando Speech & Language Therapy; Facts About Stuttering

2021-11-08T08:52:21-05:00November 8th, 2021|

International Stuttering Awareness is designed to provide accurate information and a better understanding of stuttering. For instance, did you know, stuttering is a complex disorder that affects 70 million people worldwide and that children who stutter are bullied around 4 times more than children who don’t? The National Stuttering Association reveals more facts about stuttering: Stuttering [...]

How Successful is Speech Therapy And How Long Will My Child Need It?

2021-11-01T09:12:05-04:00November 1st, 2021|

Speech therapy begins with an assessment to identify the what type of communication disorder your child has and how best to treat it. Speech therapy can take place one on one, in a small group, or classroom setting. The activities and exercises a speech therapy will use depends on your child’s needs, age, and disorder. [...]

Kissimmee Speech And Language Pathologist; Communication Therapy & Techniques

2021-10-25T09:49:30-04:00October 25th, 2021|

The treatment of speech disorders and communication issues are performed by a speech-language pathologist, also known as a speech therapist. Language intervention activities, articulation therapy and other techniques are used to improve language and communication.  Articulation Disorders The inability to correctly form certain sounds. A child may add, distort, swap, or drop sounds. For instance, [...]

Pediatric Speech Therapy; How It Works & Does Your Child Need It?

2021-10-18T11:09:58-04:00October 18th, 2021|

Children can challenge anyone’s patients. Whether they just forget to clean their room after you’ve asked them a half dozen times or they weren’t listening. But how do you know if it is simple forgetfulness or their inability to follow directions?  This is part of receptive language, the ability a child has to process information. [...]

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