About Kathryn Weissman

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So far Kathryn Weissman has created 246 blog entries.

Facts About Children Speech & Language Development

2023-07-09T15:05:53-04:00July 9th, 2023|

As with many things these days, there are some misconceptions about the development of speech and language in children. This can be especially confusing for parents in the Orlando area. Should I be reading novels while the baby is in utero? Is it okay to speech baby talk with my 6 month old? We all [...]

Orlando Private Pediatric Speech Therapy vs School Therapy

2023-07-01T09:56:04-04:00July 1st, 2023|

While many parents are glad their child is involved in school based speech therapy, they often find it challenging for a few reasons.  First, there are typically several children in one group each with their own speech challenges and goals. Second, it can be a struggle for the teacher to specifically address your child’s speech [...]

Orlando Speech Therapy; Aphasia Awareness Month

2023-06-24T10:29:29-04:00June 24th, 2023|

June is Aphasia Awareness Month. What is aphasia and can speech therapy help? Aphasia is a communication disorder, it typically interferes with the ability to understand or say words. It affects people differently. Some may a difficult time speaking and finding the right words to express themselves. Some may have a difficult time comprehending and [...]

Orlando Speech Therapy; How To Identify A Speech Impediment

2023-06-18T18:01:32-04:00June 18th, 2023|

Are you worried your child is having trouble with their speech, language or communication skills? Concerned they may have a speech disorder or impediment? Or have seen signs that something just isn’t quite right? You may think it’s “just a phase” or they will “catch up”, but if you have concerns, it is important to [...]

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