About Kathryn Weissman

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So far Kathryn Weissman has created 245 blog entries.

Is Your Orlando Toddler A Late Talker Or Have A Speech Delay?

2023-09-01T06:37:17-04:00September 1st, 2023|

It can be concerning for a parent, not knowing their child is a late talker or has a speech delay. A good place to start is with the language milestones, are they reaching them? While each toddler has their own pace of development, most children follow a general schedule of speech and language milestones. If [...]

Easy Ways To Improve Your Child’s Speech Clarity

2023-08-23T08:59:07-04:00August 23rd, 2023|

It isn’t till about second grade that your child may acquire fluent speech, free of articulation errors. But there are certain patterns of inaccuracy in speech that can make a child difficult to understand. This can also pertain to younger children. Here are a few common patterns of speech and ways to improve speech clarity [...]

Orlando Speech and Language Concerns; Your Questions Answered

2023-08-16T19:45:05-04:00August 16th, 2023|

Parenting here in Central Florida isn’t always easy. Our lives are very busy and the convenience of looking something up online seems to be the go-to diagnostic, instead of the traditional trip to the doctor’s office. Unfortunately, trying to figure out if your child has a speech or language challenge is not always easy. Many [...]

Understanding Orlando Speech and Language Issues in Children

2023-08-10T08:28:40-04:00August 10th, 2023|

How do you know if your little one has a speech or language impediment? Communication disorders are more common than many people think. There are quite a few types of speech disorders, stammering, a lisp, mis-articulation of certain sounds, stuttering, and others. If you suspect your child has a speech or language impediment of any [...]

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