Pediatric Speech Therapy; How It Works & Does Your Child Need It?

2021-10-18T11:09:58-04:00October 18th, 2021|

Children can challenge anyone’s patients. Whether they just forget to clean their room after you’ve asked them a half dozen times or they weren’t listening. But how do you know if it is simple forgetfulness or their inability to follow directions?  This is part of receptive language, the ability a child has to process information. [...]

How Can I Find a Speech Language Therapist in Orlando/Kissimmee?

2021-05-26T13:25:24-04:00May 25th, 2021|

Speech Language Pathologists treat communication and swallowing issues, they work with people of all ages, from babies to adults. If you are looking for a speech language therapist in Central Florida you probably have many questions and concerns about the process. First Words Speech Therapy is here to help you identify and assess the nature [...]

Kissimmee Speech Therapy; Helping Those With Autism & Apraxia

2021-04-01T10:25:39-04:00April 1st, 2021|

April is Autism Awareness Month, aimed at increasing the understanding, acceptance and supporting those with autism. Often times those with Autism Spectrum Disorder face challenges with social and communication skills. Finding it difficult to pick up on social cues and holding a conversation.  It is common for children with Autism to also have apraxia The [...]

Is Your Child Meeting Their Speech & Language Milestones?

2021-03-10T21:36:26-05:00May 24th, 2020|

Children develop and learn at their own pace, making the range of what is considered normal very broad. While it is perfectly normal to mispronounce words on occasion, it is easy to overlook any issues. As parents, we can’t help but worry. Is my child meeting the developmental milestones? While it is easy to overlook [...]

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